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2025 salary calculator for Romania

January 30, 2025
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Our salary calculator for Romania does not apply to employees from the construction field. For these particular employees, the minimum gross wage is different and special provisions are applied based on the Romanian legislation.

Important note

An amount of RON 300 is deducted from the calculation base of the Pension and Health insurances and income tax, applicable only for full time employees with labor contract salary equal to RON 4050 gross (minimum gross salary per economy), but not exceeding total gross income of RON 4300, at the employment main job.

When establishing the monthly threshold of RON 4300, the value of meal vouchers, respectively the food allowance, as the case may be, granted according to the law, for the year 2025.


The calculator has been set for simulation purposes only and does not include all factors that might influence the end salary, according to the Romanian laws.

Accace is not responsible for any person’s or entity’s action taken based on the results of the present calculator. We highly recommend you consult a specialist in any matters related to salary, employee rights and employment in Romania.

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