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Our SocioRating results are in: Accace is A+ certified!

December 7, 2021

The year 2021 marks the beginning of the SocioRating Institute a.s., which joined the remarkable list of Accace entities and expands the portfolio of services with a brand-new product: SocioRating.

What is SocioRating and why have we participated

SocioRating is a tool for measuring the vitality of companies, based on thirty years of experience working with employees. The methodology enables benchmarking regardless of size and industry, and thus sets an international standard for measuring social conditions within the companies. SocioRating can quickly and effectively identify potential deficits and help to build a healthy company culture based on trust, responsibility, innovation, and overall satisfaction.

Our constant aim is to improve ourselves as Accace and co-create a positive work environment for our colleagues. Therefore, participating in the SocioRating project was a natural next step. We have given all our colleagues from 11 entities, the opportunity to take part in the SocioRating survey and express their opinion.

11 entities participated

73-96% response rate range

A+ average rating

High response rate and great results: a testament of our OBM principles

The response rate ranged between 73% and 96%, depending on the entity. This percentage confirms that our colleagues are engaged in internal affairs and they care about the company they are a part of – to our great joy and gratitude.

Most of our branches have achieved an overall rating of A+. This also proofs that our colleagues strongly identify with Accace: our company culture, mission, goals and they are willing to help reaching our strategic objectives. It is also a testament of the Open Book Management approach we apply to our day-to-day work life and manage Accace based on that. One of the core principles ​​of OBM is to be open and transparent in providing internal information, such as strategic goals, plans, financial information or other. All of these help our colleagues to better understand how the company works, how the profit is generated and how they can contribute to the success of Accace.

What stood out the most in the results was our colleagues’ appreciation of the leadership style across departments. They confirmed that our managers are willing to listen to their opinions and encourage them to come up with new and innovative ideas. Thanks to this, there have been many improvements not only in our internal processes, but also on the clients´ side. Currently, a number of automation projects are running, multiple robots are being developed and anyone interested is invited to be a part of them.

Focusing on employee and community well-being

Accace creates working conditions which allow employees to balance their personal and professional life, and at the same time, take care of their mental health. All the efforts to support the overall wellbeing of employees have been highly appreciated by them. The SocioRating results also proved that our colleagues perceive Accace as a responsible company that cares not only about the employees but is also very conscious about the environment and surrounding communities. Only last year, our corporate social responsibility activities involved a great number of projects, such as supporting organisations focusing on children with mental disabilities, children in orphanages, prematurely born children, helping individuals in need, collecting food, clothing and goods for socially disadvantaged families, cleaning and enhancing neighbourhoods and providing pro bono advisory or education. But, of course, the real achievements and impact cannot be measured by numbers, nor words.

Our mission is to support our clients, colleagues and partners in reaching their dreams, while leaving a positive imprint on the world. Guided by our strong values of excellence, cooperation, flexibility, passion, trust, and commitment, we succeed by achieving goals that involve more than just financial accomplishments. We consider our excellent SocioRating results as an honour and a strong testament of our mission and values being more than just a sentiment on a piece of paper. At the same time, the results encourage us to keep up with our efforts and extend the positive feedback to new horizons.

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