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Supporting a new social cause in Romania: “The Candy Cab” NGO and its third edition of “The Candy Mug”

June 13, 2018
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The month of May represented a new page in our CSR agenda, as we started supporting the NGO “Taxiul cu Bomboane” (translated as The Candy Cab), whose mission is to improve life quality of sick and disabled children, through game therapy and campaigns meant to bring joy.Among their monthly, weekly and biweekly projects, there are also seasonal projects, and one of them is “The Candy Mug”. This is an annual campaign set on June 1st, Children’s Day. In 2016, at the first edition, children in hospitals and special schools received sweets and mugs with drawings and encouraging messages from nearly 2,000 people!
So, this year, at the third edition, we individually bought mugs, which we filled up with sweets and fruits and went to a local children’s hospital to share them.
Also, at the beginning of May, we crafted a “Magical Box”, with lots of adhesive tape and love, where we gathered funds across the entire month. With the money, we were able to buy some hygiene products, that we also shared at the hospital. The box will stay permanently in our office and the money gathered will be turned, at the end of each month, into products or medicines for the kids.

If you want to find out the whole story of the Candy Cab, how it was born, who coordinates the NGO, what kind of projects they are developing and how you can get involved, go to the Candy Cab website or on their Facebook page for many pictures and useful information.

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