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The procedure for obtaining the certificate of emergency situation in Romania | News Flash

March 26, 2020
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In the Official Gazette no. 248, on March 25, 2020, was published the Order of the Minister of Economy no. 791/2020 establishing the procedure for granting emergency certificates.

 The certificates will be issued in two forms:

  • Type 1 (blue)
  • Type 2 (yellow)

The blue certificate will be issued in case the activity of the company has been totally or partially interrupted as a result of the decisions issued by the authorities in the context of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

The yellow certificate will be issued if the company registered a decrease of revenues in March 2020 with at least 25% compared to the average of the revenues obtained in January-February 2020.

According to article 6 of the Order, for the purpose of obtaining the type 1 or 2 certificate, the applicant will upload to the dedicated platform, respectively, the following information and documents:

  1. Identification data;
  2. Affidavit on own responsibility of the legal representative stating that all the information and documents referred to in the application for obtaining the certificate are real and comply with the legislation in force in relation to the type of certificate requested.

The documents shall be uploaded using the electronic signature of the legal representative or of the proxy.

A company shall apply for a single type of certificate, which will be used in relation to public institutions to obtain facilities/support measures in commercial relations.

Within 5 days from the approval and publication in the Official Gazette of the Order, the Ministry of Economy will ensure the functioning of the electronic platform for obtaining the emergency certificates.

Laura Stefan
Managing Partner | Accace Romania
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