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Tip from Accace Czech Republic: Clean your wardrobe and help others! | CSR

October 22, 2019
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Do you have any unnecessary things and ill-fitting clothes at home? Our colleagues from Accace Czech Republic found a way to get rid of them and do a good deed at the same time. They bring them to a big basket in the office to be sold in the Moment charity shops. One bag full of nice clothes can ensure an hour and a half of care for a terminally ill person at home. Or to feed a whole team of detection dogs fighting against elephant poachers in Africa.

How does it work? Our colleagues from Brno and Ostrava do some cleaning in their wardrobes. They pick out clothes and accessories in good condition, wash them and put in a bag, then take them to the office and put in the collection basket. As soon as the basket is full, we arrange the transport. People from the Moment charity shops sort the clothes by quality and condition and then distribute them to the shops. Earnings from the sale are distributed according to a predetermined key to different types of non-profit organizations.

Do you like the project? Do you know of a location where the collection bin could be placed? Contact Moment charity shops and contribute to the good deed!

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