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Volunteer day in a center for disabled people in Brno | CSR

June 7, 2019
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Volunteer day in a center for disabled people in Brno - Accace Corporate social responsability

A telescopic windows cleaner instead of a computer mouse and polished windows instead of posted invoices. This was our first volunteer day in the organization called “Liga vozíčkářů” (Wheelchair League) in Brno. Our hard-working colleagues went there to clean up the space of the Daily Service Center. “Eleven of us joined, which is wonderful. We helped our handicapped friends to clean up and improve the center,” said project coordinator Věra Horáková.

The cooperation between Accace and Liga vozíčkářů began last year, when we financially supported the beneficial badminton tournament “Benepink”. This year we helped with our own hands: we cleaned the windows and painted the garden furniture in the Daily Service Center.

Liga vozíčkářů is a non-profit organization that has been supporting people with disabilities in daily life, work, leisure, and difficult situations since 1990.

The Daily Service Center is the place where the clients who need regular assistance from another person meet during the day. They do all types of housework, learn workflows on various art techniques, practice memory and logical thinking, visit places of interest around.

Liga vozíčkářů is open to all people who are not indifferent to the world around. If you would also like to participate as a volunteer, you can find the necessary information on the League website.

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