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Bankruptcy proceedings in Hungary | eBook

February 6, 2024

There are three main types of liquidation and bankruptcy proceedings in Hungary. Voluntary liquidation procedure (in Hungarian: ‘végelszámolás’) may be initiated by the company itself if its assets cover its liabilities. If this is not the case, i.e. the company is insolvent, it may be subject to a bankruptcy procedure (in Hungarian: ‘csődeljárás’) or an insolvency procedure (in Hungarian: ‘felszámolási eljárás’). The former is aimed at the restructuring of debts of the company so it may continue its operation if it manages to make an arrangement with its creditors whereas the latter procedure inevitably leads to the liquidation of the company and the procedure merely focuses on the distribution of the assets of the company.

All three types of procedures are governed by mandatory law that provides for transparency. Business partners of such companies shall be granted the possibility to claim receivables, which eventually may change the scenario, e.g. a company initiating voluntary liquidation procedure may turn out to be insolvent and may ultimately be liquidated by virtue of an insolvency procedure. There is an additional procedure that may also lead to the liquidation of the company: the involuntary liquidation procedure (in Hungarian: ‘kényszertörlés’) is based on the decision of the competent court of registry on the non-existence of the company. This is usually the consequence of a permanent dysfunction, e.g. the company is not available at its registered seat, the tax authority withdraws its tax ID, etc. Transparency in this procedure is equally important and creditors may claim receivables. Hence, an involuntary liquidation may also turn into an insolvency procedure.

It shall be noted that enforcement proceedings against a company are not aimed at its liquidation and are based on the assumption that the company is solvent. In case there is a reasonable risk that the company’s assets will not cover its liabilities, it is more advisable to file an application for initiating the insolvency procedure, since unsuccessful enforcement proceedings may turn into an insolvency procedure and that, if initiated by a third party, would anyway lead to the termination of the enforcement. If the court orders a grace period, the enforcement proceedings will be automatically suspended during such period and, if concluded, under the term of the agreement with creditors.

Download our eBook on bankruptcy proceedings in Hungary, or read more below

Filing an application by the debtor or creditor

Claiming receivables

Final solution (possible options)

Property division rules

Sanctions against debtor’s management

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