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Company formation in Europe: Your guide to success in 2025

February 13, 2025

Global company formation is a key step for businesses aiming to embrace expansion and globalization. However, establishing, developing, and maintaining a business on an international level demands significant attention, time, and effort due to variations in local regulations and ever-changing legislative frameworks. With an immense network of local experts and advisors, we support your company formation in Europe and ensure full compliance with local and global requirements in all jurisdictions, while also guiding you in selecting the proper form of business.

Besides the most common forms of businesses, such as the limited liability company or joint stock, there is a broad variety to choose from, so it is crucial to be aware of the benefits and drawbacks related to them. Our free guidelines on company formation in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia provide the necessary insight into the legal forms of businesses, the minimum capital and contribution needed, requirements on minimum documentation, shareholders, the process of registration, including a general overview of corporate taxes, duties, fees, penalties, investment incentives and other related aspects.








Explore also our guide for international expansion, which contains an useful overview of 15 countries for investors and gain a concise yet insightful overview of global company formation facts.

Simplify global company formation with Accace

Expanding your business internationally can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Our global company registration services are designed to take the stress out of the process, offering tailored solutions to ensure your success in any market. With our expert guidance, you’ll gain the confidence to navigate local regulations, secure compliance, and choose the ideal corporate structure—all while saving time and resources.

Let us help you establish your business globally with ease and precision.

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