The Emergency Ordinance no. 48/2020 regarding some financial-fiscal measures was published in the Official Gazette no. 319/2020 in Romania.
The Ordinance amends the following normative acts:
1. Fiscal Code
Tax on microenterprise
Deduction from the microenterprises income tax is allowed for sponsorships made to public institutions and authorities, including specialized bodies of public administration, without the obligation to register the respective beneficiary entities in the Register of entities/units for which tax deductions are granted.
Income tax and social contributions
Benefits in kind granted to individuals who obtain income from salaries or assimilated to them as a result of occupying essential functions for carrying out the activity and who are in preventive isolation, at work or in specially dedicated areas, for a period established by the employer during the state of emergency, are not included in the area of taxable income and are not subject to social contributions.
2. Fiscal Procedure Code
During the state of emergency and 30 days after its completion, the VAT requested for reimbursement through the VAT returns, submitted within the legal term of submission, is reimbursed by the Central Fiscal Authorities with the subsequent performance of the fiscal inspection.