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VAT services in Hungary

VAT services in Hungary

Choose Accace in Hungary

Váci road 45., Átrium Park, building F, 7th floor, 1134 Budapest, Hungary

Why to rely on a trusted partner for outsourcing VAT services in Hungary? VAT rates and certain aspects of the VAT system are differing in each EU member state and have a major impact on business activities. Regardless, many businesses tend to ignore this aspect of VAT, which can lead to undesirable effects on entrepreneurship. The same applies for Hungary.

Hungarian companies quite often face issues related to VAT already after the transaction has been set or running, which can lead to losses. In order to prevent this, it is essential to keep track of your VAT expenses and guarantee that your company follows all Hungarian VAT regulations and reduces its potential tax risks. This applies not only to trading on the domestic market, but also on the international market.

Our advisors providing VAT services in Hungary are always available to help you optimize your business transactions and everyday tax matters. Our team will lead you through all the complications of Hungarian VAT and provide you with all the support you need to stay compliant.

VAT registration services in Hungary

VAT registration obligation may arise in Hungary in some cases. We are ready to:

  • Represent your company during the process of VAT registration 
  • Prepare and submit all necessary documents for the registration process
  • Handle the communication with Hungarian tax authorities
  • Make sure you get your VAT number as soon as possible

Intrastat reporting

The obligation for Intrastat reporting may arise when doing business with partners from other European countries. The reporting threshold for a company is set at HUF 270 million for acquisition and HUF 150 million for sale of goods within a calendar year. In case of exceeding the established limit, our team is ready to help you with the necessary reporting, for example:

  • Communication with the authorities
  • Preparing and submitting reports
  • Evaluation of movements of goods from Intrastat perspective

VAT compliance services

Outsource your VAT agenda thanks to our VAT services in Hungary. Our experts will ensure that your VAT obligations and reporting are fulfilled based on the granted Power of Attorney and will help you with the initial reporting from your software. In addition, our VAT experts will also help you analyze all your transactions from a VAT perspective, and prepare and submit:

  • VAT return
  • EC Sales list

Online invoice data reporting

In Hungary, all outgoing invoices which are subject to the Hungarian Act on VAT must be reported through the National Tax Office’s online invoice data reporting system. Our experienced team can assist you with VAT services in Hungary that cover registration and compliance regarding this obligation along with detailed invoice reviews and implementation of requirements regarding the invoices issued.

Advisory services during negotiations with the tax authorities, legal disputes, and litigations

We are ready to represent you in front of the Tax Authority, as well as assist you during any negotiations or disputes – such as during tax audits or official questions of the tax authority about your business activities in Hungary.

Assistance with reclaiming Hungarian VAT for foreign companies

We can help you with Hungarian VAT refund if your foreign company has made some purchases with Hungarian VAT in the course of its economic activities in Hungary and is not registered for VAT purposes in the country.


Take a look at our overview of VAT in Hungary and discover more about VAT rates, registration process, VAT return filing, VAT refunds, penalties, and more.

Assistance with reclaiming foreign VAT for Hungarian companies

Our team of experts can represent you in VAT refund from Another Member State if your company is registered in Hungary and has incurred the following expenses:

  • Accommodation expenses
  • Purchases of goods in another EU member state with local VAT, with the goods remaining in that state
  • Transportation expenses

VAT review of transactions

We can analyze the VAT application in your transactions in order to optimise VAT obligations and deductions in your company (or group). In the course of a VAT audit, we analyze your accounting records to detect risk factors, errors or VAT saving opportunities.

VAT advisory services in specific areas

Our VAT services in Hungary can cover the following:

  • Intracommunity supplies of goods
  • Import of goods from third countries to EU
  • VAT group establishment
  • Real estate transactions
  • Establishing of chain transactions (consecutive deliveries of the same goods between several parties, which are subject to a single transport)
  • Consignment stock
  • Business transfers and more

Expert VAT services in Hungary – and across the globe

Operating in over 60 locations, we offer seamless VAT services in Hungary and globally. Our empathetic experts bridge the gap between company needs and optimal solutions, fostering success and business growth . With extensive expertise and advanced technology, our local teams ensure comprehensive compliance and a deep understanding of market specifics. We provide precise and efficient VAT services tailored to regional needs. Contact us today to discover how our international VAT advisory can support your business!

Choose Accace in Hungary

Váci road 45., Átrium Park, building F, 7th floor, 1134 Budapest, Hungary
