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Introducing our new online attendance system: Mobile-friendly, improved and secure | Press release

July 26, 2024
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Accace - Introducing our new online attendance system

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new attendance tracking solution, designed with the latest technologies to meet the evolving needs of modern businesses. After over a year of dedicated work by a completely new development team, we have created a tool that offers simplicity, mobility and high security not just for your HR team, but also to every single one of your employees.

A leap forward in attendance management

Our new attendance system is a significant upgrade, offering an easy-to-use, mobile-friendly platform for recording working time and absences. It ensures high data security and full compliance with local legislation, providing peace of mind for both employers and employees.

While our flagship time and attendance online portal remains a comprehensive solution with multiple HR modules, the new system is streamlined to focus exclusively on employee attendance. This makes it an ideal choice for companies looking for a straightforward, efficient tool to manage their workforce’s time and absences.

Empowering HR departments

With the new attendance system, HR employees gain full control over the setup and administration of their company’s attendance records. This autonomy means that HR departments no longer need to contact our development team for major changes in settings, resuling in faster and more efficient management.

Seamless online management

Dispelling the myth that compliance requires hardware monitoring systems, our solution avoids the need for clock-in/out terminals, smart cards or biometric scanners. Instead, it offers a purely online attendance management system. Employees can log their attendance from anywhere and customize their account interfaces to highlight the functions and types of absences they use most frequently.

Celebrate the launch of our new online attendance solution with a free trial

Currently available for the Czech and Slovak markets, our new T&A solution is set to expand to more regions soon. This launch marks a new era in attendance management, combining modern technology with user-friendly design to create a tool that benefits companies of all sizes.

To celebrate the launch, we are offering a free 30-day trial of our new system. Experience the future of attendance management with our modern, mobile-friendly, and secure solution. Sign up now and see how it can transform your business.

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