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Accounts payable management

Digitalize and manage your AP in the cloud

Accounts payable management

Digitalize and manage your AP in the cloud

Manage your invoices electronically and fully online in order to get rid of paperwork and manual data input into your accounting software. With out accounts payable management services, we will take over all your paper and electronic invoices and prepare it for direct import into your accounting systems. All your invoices will be stored in one place – in our cloud accounting portal – in order to be easily searched through, reviewed and converted to structured data based on your needs.

How does accounts payable management work?

Our cloud accounting portal solution is suitable for companies of all sizes, regardless of the number of invoices processed – from a few dozen to thousands of invoices per month. We work quickly so you can have access to updated data in less than 24 hours.

Document input

  • direct web scanning
  • OCR system
  • email/EDI

Approval workflow

  • customized workflows on top of folders and files
  • email notifications

Automated booking

  • data validation
  • master data management
  • ERP data input


  • real-time reports
  • electronic archive for documents and communication

We change all your invoices to electronic format

  • We will take over all your invoices  – paper, PDF or EDI
  • We will scan the paper documents in high quality
  • You can access the archive in the cloud accounting portal via any device – PC, tablet, mobile phone
  • We will customize the approval processes for particular documents

We get your invoices ready for the import into your accounting software

  • We will extract all required data from your invoices
  • The data will be checked and validated manually by our operators
  • We will complete all data for correct booking, including contra entries
  • We will add other data required by you (such as cost centers)
  • We will consolidate all data from various document sources and convert
    them to structured data (such as XML) for direct import in your
    accounting software

We will store the documents for you in one place – in the electronic archive

  • All your invoices will be available in the cloud accounting portal
  • We will prepare lists of all processed invoices together with their history
  • We will store all the PDF views of original documents in the portal
  • We will send the original paper documents back to you or archive them

We are ready to process your invoices as well as other documents you deal with in your organization. Contact us and we can design an accounts payable management and administration solution based on your actual needs.
