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Overtime and worked hours during rest days in Romania | Infographic

December 4, 2015
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Romanian Labour Code provides that the legal working time represents 8 hours per day, for a period of 5 days per week, having a 2 resting days period. Still, in some cases, the overtime can result, especially when employees are needed to be on duty during public holidays or weekend days.

Find out now what are your options when it comes to overtime compensation and remain in compliance with Romanian law provisions!

Overtime compensation

Free Time Clearing
Each day will be compensated with a free paid day. Free paid hours are granted to the employee in the following 60 calendar days after accumulating overtime hours. These hours will be paid to the employee as normal ones, not overtime hours.
Overtime hours will be paid with a minimum of 75% increase to the salary. The increase can be negotiated within the company, through its collective labor agreement or through the individual labor agreement and cannot be less than 75% from the employee normal salary.

Compensation of worked time during public holiday

Free Time Clearing
Each day will be compensated with a free paid day. One free paid day granting within the following 30 days.
The day will be paid by adding a minimum of 100% increase of the daily salary.

Weekend hours

Weekly Resting Time
For the hours worked during the weekend, the company is obliged to grant its employees other free days (a mandatory resting time of 48 free consecutive hours). Moreover, you as employer, will also grant a “weekend increase”. The weekend increase” does not have a minimum or maximum limit and can be negotiated within the company through your collective labor agreement or through the individual labor agreement of your employees. This type of increase can be determined as a percentage or as a fixed amount granted regardless of the number of weekend worked hours.
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