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Ready to grow your business in Poland? Our team of local tax experts have summarised 10 facts to consider when it comes to the Polish tax system. For a more complex overview, we recommend to take a look on our Tax guideline for 2024.
9% – Reduced CIT for small taxpayers and new companies in the first year of business activity
20% – On income from interest, copyright or related rights, rights to inventive designs, trademarks and decorative designs, disclosing the secret of a recipe or production process, for the use or right to use an industrial device
Note: From 2022, a ‘pay and refund’ mechanism (including withholding tax at standard rates of 19%/20%) has been introduced in relation to certain categories of payments to related parties exceeding PLN 2 million.
5-8% for selected types of goods and services based on the VAT matrix
0% for the export of goods and services and intra-community supplies of goods, under certain conditions
19% on certain types of income
PLN 10,800 + 32% on annual taxable income above PLN 120,000
19.48% – 22.14%
Loss from one source (business activity/capital gains) must be utilized within the same source.
5 years maximum carry-forward period for losses that cannot be set off
50% of the loss can be utilized in the given year
Typically, the tax is levied as a percentage of the transaction’s value. Applies to: sale of things or rights, exchange of things or rights, loan, mortgage and articles of association.
PLN 1.16/m2 – maximum rate of a business land tax
PLN 0.61/m2 – maximum rate of a private land tax
PLN 28.78/m2 – maximum rate of a building tax for business related purposes
PLN 1.00/m2 – maximum rate of building a tax for non-business related purposes