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Ready for the key financial dates? Our 2024 Tax Calendar for Poland provides an easy overview of all upcoming tax-related deadlines.
In case you are interested in a more detailed overview of local taxes, you may want to check out our tax guideline for Poland, available also for free download.
January 8
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
January 11
VAT, Excise Duty
January 20
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
January 25
VAT, Excise Duty
January 31
Real estate
* The payment deadline for December 2023 is 29th February, 2024
February 7
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
February 12
VAT, Excise Duty
February 15
Real Estate
February 20
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
February 26
VAT, Excise Duty
March 7
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
March 11
VAT, Excise Duty
March 15
Real Estate
March 20
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
March 25
VAT, Excise Duty
March 31
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Payment terms
*on the assumption that the tax year equals the calendar year
**if the hypothetical reporting concerns Corporate Income Tax
April 8
Income tax (PIT/CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
April 10
VAT, Excise duty
April 15
Real Estate
April 22
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT/CIT)
April 25
VAT, Excise duty
April 30
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Payment terms
May 7
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
May 10
VAT, Excise duty
May 15
Real Estate
May 20
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
May 27
VAT, Excise duty
June 7
Income tax (CIT, PIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
June 10
VAT, Excise Duty
June 15
Real estate
June 20
Real Estate
Income tax (CIT, PIT)
June 25
VAT, Excise Duty
July 8
Transaction tax (PCC)
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
July 10
VAT, Excise Duty
July 15
Real Estate
July 20
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
July 25
VAT, Excise Duty
August 7
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
August 12
VAT, Excise Duty
August 16
Real estate
August 20
Real estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
August 25
VAT, Excise Duty
August 26
VAT, Excise Duty
September 9
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
September 10
VAT, Excise duty
September 16
Real Estate
September 20
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
September 25
VAT, Excise duty
October 7
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
October 10
VAT, Excise duty
October 15
Real Estate
October 21
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
October 25
VAT, Excise duty
October 31*
Payment terms
*on the assumption that the tax year equals the calendar year
November 7
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
November 11
VAT, Excise duty
November 15
Real Estate
November 20
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
November 25
VAT, Excise duty
November 30
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Payment terms
*on the assumption that the tax year equals the calendar year
December 9
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
Transaction tax (PCC)
December 10
VAT, Excise duty
December 16
Real Estate
December 20
Real Estate
Income tax (PIT, CIT)
December 27
VAT, Excise duty
December 31*
Tax strategies
*on the assumption that the tax year equals the calendar year
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