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Automation of accounting processes in Poland: Data transformation and consolidation | weBlog

June 4, 2024
Accace - Automation of accounting processes in Poland

Considering the raising number of legislative changes and upcoming amendments concerning e-invoicing and accounting digitization, the automation of accounting processes in Poland and efficient management of data volumes is becoming increasingly important. Tools such as Power Query, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and Power Automate accelerate the processing of accounting data, transforming operations from manual to automated. Automation enables Polish organizations to perform complex processes faster, more accurately and more effectively. The greatest benefits of automation come from tasks related to data entry, processing, verification and generation. Tools like Power Query and VBA allow for the transformation and consolidation of large data volumes, streamlining numerous processes and saving numerous resources, such as time and money.

Power Query, Power Automate and VBA in accounting

Power Query is an advanced tool for importing, transforming, and combining data from various sources, which, when combined with Microsoft Excel’s capabilities, allows for the automation of complex financial and accounting processes. Meanwhile, VBA is a programming language that enables the creation of advanced macros and scripts, automates multifaceted tasks and processes, enhancing productivity and reducing the risk of errors. Additionally, Power Automate facilitates the creation of workflows that integrate and automate processes across different applications and services, increasing their efficiency.

Data transformation and integration with Polish and international ERP systems

The key to effective automation of accounting processes in Poland is understanding how to transform data to meet ERP system requirements and ensure that data imported into the system complies with legal regulations. In this regard, it is beneficial to rely on a company that has expertise in multiple financial and accounting systems and in adapting complex data to meet specific organizational, tax and legal needs.

One of the many solutions we provide to our clients at Accace Poland is the comprehensive automation of payroll accounting. As part of this service, we develop solutions that efficiently streamline payroll and accounting operations for international organizations using ERP systems such as SAP, Microsoft Business Central 365 or Oracle (NetSuite). This is a comprehensive service that results in fully compliant data, ready for posting in the client’s financial accounting system.

Find out more about payroll accounting automation in Poland

The scope of this service includes the following elements:

Stage 1: Preliminary Analysis

The first step involves conducting a preliminary analysis. This stage includes identifying business needs, mapping, and defining functional and technical requirements.

Stage 2: Design and Configuration

The second stage focuses on designing and configuring the tool to meet the technical and business specifications of the organization.

Stage 3: Testing

The goal of this stage is to ensure that all components function correctly and meet the expectations of end users.

Stage 4: Go-live

In this stage, the tool is finally deployed in the production environment. It includes user training and process monitoring to ensure a smooth launch.

Stage 5: Maintenance and Support

The final stage involves providing ongoing management and support, which is crucial for maintaining and adapting the tool to evolving business needs and future tax and legal changes in Poland.

Cost savings and increased productivity with automation of accounting processes in Poland – gain a competitive advantage

The automation of accounting processes in Poland, with tools like Power Query and VBA, enables organizations to significantly speed up operations, minimizing the time spent on tedious data transformation and consolidation. The elimination of repetitive tasks allows employees to focus on key activities, thereby increasing their productivity. Automation also ensures greater data accuracy, which translates to higher quality work and reduced the risk of errors.

Accace Poland’s support

With our presence in international markets and the experience of our Polish experts, we offer a wide range of solutions tailored to diverse business needs. We provide comprehensive support, leveraging the latest technologies and best industry practices. Want to streamline the financial and accounting processes in your company? Contact our experts to learn how we can work together to ensure the future of your organization.

Marcin Pezowicz
BPO Process Consultant | Accace Poland
Get in touch with us
Norbert Sołtysiak
Senior Accounting Manager | Accace Poland
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