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CEiDG registration of door-to-door businesses in Poland

February 15, 2018

To be able to commence an economic activity in Poland, a natural person should fill in and submit the application for entry into the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity (CEiDG).

Sometimes the registration forms are not very specific and filling them can be very confusing. Take for example this scenario:

“I plan to start my own business activity. It would be mobile sale of cosmetics. How in such case can I specify the place of business activity in the registration motion to CEiDG? Do I have to insert address of each client I plan to visit?”

Specifying the place of your business activity is subject to registration in CEiDG at the moment of filing the registration motion.

Usually, the address of company’s business is indicated as place of business activity. Nevertheless, it may be any other place where your business activity is actually conducted. It needs to be underlined that in case of the activities of door-to-door businesses in Poland it won’t be the client’s addresses even if these are the addresses of business conduct. In such situation, it is advisable to indicate the place of entrepreneur’s residence as place of business activity.

At the same time, it should be noted that the Act on freedom of economic activity (Official Gazette 2015, pos. 584) was changed. From May 19th, 2016, the entrepreneur is obliged to have legal title to the real estate (the addresses subject to CEiDG registration. This concerns:

  • entrepreneur’s address of residence,
  • address of main place of business activity,
  • addresses of additional places of business activity, if they were registered,
  • address for correspondence.

Such a legal title may be, for instance, real estate sale agreement or lease agreement.

The legal title to real estate does not have to be attached to the registration motion to CEiDG. Nevertheless, the entrepreneur is obliged to possess such document. The Minister competent for economic matters may request the entrepreneur to present such document within 7 days from the day of delivery of the request. If, despite of the request, the entrepreneur does not present the legal title to real estate or does not change the address in the register, based on the administration decision he may be removed from CEiDG.

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