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Checklist for eShops in the Czech Republic | Infographic

August 28, 2023

The rapidly developing area of e-commerce is regulated on European level as well as by Czech legislation. If you want to operate eShops in the Czech Republic, you shall comply with all relating legal conditions. What are the most important you should be aware of?

You shall operate you business as an entrepreneur registered in the Trade Register or through the company registered in the Trade and Commercial Register.
For lawful functioning of an eShop you will need comprehensive documentation, as for example, proper and detailed General Terms and Conditions, Complaints procedure, Document on Purchase of Goods, or documents regarding the Warranty of Goods.
Consumers are widely protected with respect to your information obligation as an operator of an eShop. Among all of the information, you are obliged to provide the consumers with, let us emphasis on proper labeling of goods, or accurate determination of prices.
Moreover, consumers have special rights just from the fact that they are buying goods through the means of distance communication and they have to be informed about them by an operator of an eShop. The most important of them is the consumer’s right to withdraw from a purchase contract (return unused and undamaged goods) in 14 days statutory period without reasoning and get money back.
If you are processing personal data of your clients, you need to fulfil the requirements of personal data protection regulations, in particular of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Please remember that failure to comply with the GDPR provisions bears a risk of a incurring financial penalty.
If you use cookies on the website, it is important to check whether you have set up the opt-in regime. The opt-in regime applies throughout the European Union and means that you can only use cookies (other than necessary ones) if you have obtained your visitor’s consent. Setting cookies should be simple and user-friendly for visitors. We therefore recommend implementing a simple cookie bar where visitors of your website can easily find information about the different types of cookies and for how long they are stored, and choose which cookies they allow you to use (other than the necessary ones).
You can be voluntarily registered with associations to obtain a certificate of creditability (e.g. APEK – Association for Electronic Commerce).
Tax questions
As the tax payer you must in particular duly inspect your tax duties, especially potential value added tax liabilities. Special attention should also be given to documents to be issued and handed over to the end consumers.
Relating to operating an eShop, there are very strict penalties, in particular to protect consumers rights (for example, breaching the information obligation to the consumer could be fined up to the CZK 50,000,000).
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