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Updated on 13th of February, 2025
On 30 January 2025, an amendment to Act No. 65/2022 Coll. and related acts relating to the conflict in Ukraine was submitted for signature by the President of the Czech Republic. On the basis of this law, foreigners are granted special protection and free access to the labour market. Thanks to the amendment, temporary protection is to be extended again until 31 March 2026.
Persons who have fled from Ukraine before the armed conflict can currently reside in the Czech Republic on the basis of different types of residence permits. In addition to ordinary residence permits, such as an employment card, a large number of Ukrainian citizens reside in the Czech Republic on the basis of:
Please note that, with a few exceptions, it is not possible to apply for another residence permit after the start of the conflict. The only exceptions are applications covered by Government Regulation No. 308/2022 Sb. According to this regulation, it is possible to apply to the embassy in Ukraine for, for example, a blue card or a permit for the purpose of study.
Embassies in Ukraine are also now accepting applications for employment cards, but only for government-approved programmes (e.g. Skilled Worker Programme, Key and Scientific Personnel Programme, etc.).
For more information on the conditions for inclusion in the economic migration programme, please click here.
Temporary protection will be extended again by affixing a new visa. Given that it is not technically possible to extend temporary protection in a single day, the process will again take place in two steps, first by registration and then by visiting the Ministry of the Interior (OAMP).
Online registration will take place on the website of the Ministry of the Interior and will be possible until 15 March 2025.
By registration itself, the temporary protection will be extended until 30 September 2025. Registration must be completed by booking an appointment to visit the Ministry of the Interior.
Data on family relations will also be filled in as part of the registration. Specifically, it will be necessary to fill in information about the spouse and children under 18 years of age, who are also holders of temporary protection.
After online registration, it is necessary to arrive at the booked date at the Ministry of the Interior and collect new visa. The visit to the OAMP must be completed by 30 September 2025. A foreigner needs to bring:
New visa will be valid until 31 March 2026.
Holders of a visa for the purpose of toleration in connection with the conflict in Ukraine will have their visas automatically extended again, until 31 March 2026. They do not have to take any further steps.
However, to avoid inconsistencies and uncertainty when dealing with the authorities, we recommend that you apply for a new visa with an updated validity date. This requires an appointment at OAMP.
We would like to remind you that the employer of a foreigner is obliged, among other things, to keep a copy of the documents proving the employee’s right to reside. The employer should therefore be concerned with whether employees who hold temporary protection have applied for its extension properly and in time.
Employers are advised to ensure that their employees register on time and then attend the appointment for the visa to be affixed. The registration will be supported by a pdf certificate which can be downloaded from the OAMP portal.
Temporary protection holders have free access to the labour market, so they do not have to deal with work permits (unlike, for example, holders of a tolerance visa).
In addition to matters related to the extension of residence titles, please note that the foreigner is obliged to report to the OAMP any significant changes concerning him/her, e.g. change of residence address, change of surname, change of marital status or change of travel document. Find the form on the OAMP’s website for this purpose. The form shall be delivered along with the necessary documents in person, sent by post or by data box.
Foreigners should also note that they may be subject to obligations such as paying utilities or health insurance.
We are ready to help you with the employment of refugees from Ukraine, do not hesitate to contact us.
Persons who have fled from Ukraine before the armed conflict can currently reside in the Czech Republic on the basis of different types of residence permits. In addition to ordinary residence permits, such as an employment card, a large number of Ukrainian citizens reside in the Czech Republic on the basis of:
Please note that, with few exceptions, it is not possible to apply for another residence permit. The only exceptions are applications covered by Government Regulation No. 308/2022 Sb. According to this regulation, it is possible to apply to the embassy in Ukraine for, for example, a blue card or a study permit.
Embassies in Ukraine are also now accepting applications for employment cards, but only for government-approved programmes (e.g. Skilled Worker Programme, Key and Scientific Personnel Programme, etc.).
For more information on the conditions for inclusion in the economic migration programme, please click here.
Temporary protection will be extended again by affixing a new visa. As it is not technically possible to extend temporary protection in one single day, the process will be carried out in two steps, first by registration and then by a visit to the Asylum and Migration Policy Department of the Ministry of the Interior (OAMP).
If the holder of temporary protection fails to register by the deadline or fails to present the visa after registration by the end of September 2024, the temporary protection will expire.
Online registration will be open until 15 March 2024. The registration portal will be available on the following website:
The registration itself extends the temporary protection until 30 September 2024. However, it is necessary to complete the registration by booking a date to visit the Ministry of the Interior.
If the registration is not done in time and the temporary protection expires, the foreigner has the possibility to reapply for temporary protection. However, there is a risk of not being found to meet the conditions for its granting.
After registering online, it is necessary to arrive at the OAMP on the scheduled date and have a new visa marked. The visit to the OAMP must
be completed by 30 September 2024. The foreigner should submit following documents:
New visa will be valid until 31 March 2025.
For holders of a visa for the purpose of tolerance in connection with the conflict in Ukraine, the visa will be extended again automatically until 31 March 2025. There is no need to take any further steps to do so. The visa for the purpose of tolerating the conflict in Ukraine is coded D/SD/91.
However, to avoid inconsistencies and uncertainty when dealing with the authorities, we recommend applying for a new visa with an updated validity date. This requires an appointment at OAMP.
We would like to kindly remind that the employer of a foreigner is obliged to keep a copy of the documents proving the employee’s right to stay. Therefore, the employer should be concerned with whether employees who hold temporary protection have properly and timely applied for its extension.
Employers are advised to ensure that their employees register on time and then attend the appointment for the visa to be affixed. The registration will be supported by a pdf certificate which can be downloaded from the OAMP portal.
Temporary protection holders have free access to the labour market, so they do not have to deal with work permits (unlike, for example, holders of a tolerance visa).
In addition to matters related to the extension of residence titles, please note that the foreigner is obliged to report to the OAMP any significant changes concerning him/her, e.g. change of residence address, change of surname, change of marital status or change of travel document. Find the form on the OAMP’s website for this purpose. The form shall be delivered along with the necessary documents in person, sent by post or by data box.
Foreigners should also note that they may be subject to obligations such as paying utilities or health insurance.
We are ready to help you with the employment of refugees from Ukraine, do no
Persons who have fled from Ukraine before the armed conflict can currently reside in the Czech Republic on the basis of different types of residence permits. In addition to ordinary residence permits, such as an employment card, a large number of Ukrainian citizens reside in the Czech Republic on the basis of:
This type of residence will generally be given to those who fled Ukraine after the invasion by the Russian Federation. Alternatively, those whose residence permits have expired but cannot return for the time being due to the situation in Ukraine.
Please note that persons who have obtained temporary protection in another Member State cannot obtain temporary protection in the Czech Republic. At present, it is not even possible for persons with temporary protection or a visa for the purpose of toleration to switch to the employment card regime.
The most significant change is the possibility for persons with temporary protection granted in another country to apply for a blue card at the embassy in Ukraine.
We would like to remind you that holders of temporary protection issued by the Czech Republic can only stay in the Schengen area countries in a limited regime according to the so-called 90/180 rule. Thus, within any 180 days they can stay outside the territory of the Czech Republic in another Schengen area country only for 90 days.
Temporary protection was granted until March 31, 2023. Those who wished to continue to reside in the Czech Republic had to register online by March 31, 2023.
If the registration was not carried out, the temporary protection expired. In this case, the person can reapply for temporary protection. If he or she continues to meet the conditions, temporary protection will be granted.
If the registration has been duly and timely carried out, this extends the validity of the temporary protection until September 30, 2023. Until then, the holder of temporary protection is obliged to appear in person at the Asylum and Migration Policy Department of the Ministry of the Interior (OAMP) and have a new visa affixed. This will be valid until March 31, 2024. The date at the OAMP is assigned during online registration.
As part of the in-person visit to OAMP to mark the new visa, you must also provide the necessary documents. These are:
If the deadline for extending temporary protection has been missed, any entitlement to benefits (e.g. humanitarian benefits, housing assistance, free access to the labour market, access to health insurance) has also been lost.
The foreigner has the possibility to reapply for temporary protection if the circumstances that led to the first application continue to exist.
More information can also be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
If you do not meet the conditions for temporary protection, you can apply for a tolerance visa. In this case, the person does not automatically have free access to the labour market and must obtain permission from the Labour Office.
Those who already have a tolerance visa in connection with the conflict in Ukraine have their visa extended automatically until 31 March 2024 and do not need to take any further steps. However, in order to avoid inconsistencies and uncertainty when dealing with the authorities, it is recommended to request a new sticker with an updated validity date. This label is marked with the code D/SD/91. A prior order is required for its marking.
There is also an exception for visas issued in connection with the armed conflict in Ukraine in relation to exit from the territory. Persons holding this type of visa for the purpose of toleration do not lose their visa by leaving the territory.
Since the employer is obliged to keep a copy of the documents proving the alien employee’s eligibility to stay, the employer should take a proactive interest in whether employees who hold temporary protection have applied for its extension in a proper and timely manner.
By March 31, 2023, temporary protection holders should have completed online registration. By doing so, they extended their temporary protection until September 30, 2023. They must then appear in person at an OAMP office to have their visa affixed by that date. The visa will be valid until March 31, 2024.
The employer can then verify the validity of the authorisation with the newly affixed visa. Between the online registration of the person with temporary protection and the affixing of the visa, the employer should request a confirmation of registration from the person with temporary protection in order to check his/her residence (see image). The registration number can be read from this confirmation. The employer can use the registration number to check the validity of the registration online.
As of April 1, 2023, employers are obliged to register all employees who have temporary protection with the CSSA. This obligation now also applies to employers who have a work performance agreement or a work activity agreement with a holder of temporary protection. The deadline for registering a person is normally 8 days.
Otherwise, the same rules apply to the employment of persons with temporary protection as to the employment of other foreigners with free access to the labour market, e.g. the employer’s obligation to report the start of employment of the foreigner and other changes to the Labour Office or to keep a register of foreign employees.
It’s possible to only employ Ukrainian refugees with free entry to the Czech labour market.
Free entry to the labour market means, that Ukrainian citizens and their family members which comply with conditions further described may work in the Czech Republic without any formal restrictions, i.e. without having to obtain a work permit in advance or the employer having to submit a job position vacancy form beforehand.
The Ukrainian citizen and his family members may work in an employment relationship, as well as on the basis of some of the agreements of performing work outside the employment relationship. Of course, the standard legal conditions must be adhered to, in particular minimal and guaranteed wage, length and schedule of worktime etc.
The Ukrainian refugee must be granted the temporary protection (or perhaps the special long-term visa, which was issued at the begging of the war conflict).
Temporary protection (special long-term visa) is marked with a sticker or stamp in the passport.
Until the above-mentioned law came into effect, Ukrainian refugees were granted a so-called special long-term visa. Since the effective date of the law, only the so-called visa for the purpose of temporary protection has been granted. According to information from the Ministry of the Interior, however, persons who obtained a special long-term visa before the effective date of the law will be automatically transferred to the temporary protection system, i.e. without having to take any action.
Temporary protection may be granted:
For the grant of temporary protection it’s necessary to file the submission personally at one of the District assistance centres for helping Ukraine – the list of these centres according to individual districts may be found HERE.
It’s advised that the Ukrainian citizens who don’t comply with the above-mentioned conditions to sort out their situation individually at the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior (contact points HERE).
Necessary documents to submit for the application:
The employer has the following administrative obligations:
The employer must have a record of information regarding the foreign employee in the extent:
In the language that the Ukrainian refugee understands, i.e. ideally a bilingual CZ/UA document.
The same rule applies to any other labour law documents of the employer which the Ukrainian refugee should be acquainted with.
The law nor any other legal regulation doesn’t impose this obligation upon the employer to retrieve the extract from the Criminal Records for this purpose and Ukrainian refugees are perceived as citizens of the EU.
In principle the temporary protection which as well means free entry to the labour market is only applicable in the Czech Republic, i.e. the holder of the temporary protection may not use this permit to work abroad.
Nevertheless, if the foreigner is posted within the framework of the Directive regarding posting of workers by his employer to a different entity for the purpose of performance of provision of services, the necessity to have a permit to perform work doesn’t apply to him in the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, it’s necessary to comply with other conditions according to the Directive regarding posting employees (e.g. information obligation, obligation to ensure certain equal working conditions etc.).
A similar regulation should also be applicable within harmonisation in the whole EU. However, it’s not excluded that some EU countries have made use of the possibility to apply an exception to this rule. Therefore, we recommend that you check the local regulation before sending the holder of the temporary protection to another EU country.
On the territory of the Czech Republic there are no limitations to performing business trips. However, on business trips foreigners should always have the necessary documents (mainly copy of the employment contract and travel document with the sticker/stamp proving temporary protection with them).
Yes, it’s necessary to comply with the registration obligation upon arrival and when the place of residence in the territory of the Czech Republic is changed.
For both cases the deadline is 3 days.
The registration upon arrival is done in person at one of the offices of the Foreign police.
The change of place of residence may be announced via post or at the appropriate office of the Department of the Asylum and Immigration Policy of the Ministry of Interior (territorial jurisdiction according to the new place of residence), when announcing this change the document confirming accommodation at the new address (see the forms above) must be submitted together with the form which is available here.
No, every EU Member State states its own rules for the performance of work of Ukrainian refugees. The temporary protection granted in the Czech Republic applies exclusively to the performance of work in the Czech Republic.
Yes, the entrance medical examination shall be performed before commencement of performance of work. In case there is not a chance to obtain the extract from medical records an extended medical examination must be performed.
Free entry is granted by law only temporarily, currently it’s valid till 31 March 2023. In case Ukrainian citizens will want to reside and work in the Czech Republic even after this date they will have to obtain the necessary permit in due time.
Of course, it can’t be ruled out that the effectiveness of the exemption will be extended as the situation evolves.
The limitation of the validity of the law doesn’t mean that the employment contract / agreements on work performed outside of employment must be concluded for a definite period. In our opinion, they may also be concluded for an indefinite period.
Firstly, it’s the failure to fulfil the duty to inform the Labour office when an employee commences performance of work, when the employee’s reported data changes or when the employee’s employment terminates (for more details, please see the question What are the obligations of the employer when hiring Ukrainian refugees?).
Secondly violation of the condition regarding retention of copies of documents proving the existence of employment relationship at the workplace, i.e. employment contract or agreements on work outside employment. An exception to this obligation is the situation when the employer has fulfilled the obligation to notify the District Social Security Administration of the date of the employee’s commencement of employment, which established the employee’s participation in sickness insurance under the Sickness Insurance Act (and therefore only from the moment of fulfilling this obligation) – the supervisory authority is entitled to obtain the relevant information from the Social Security Administration.
Another frequent violation of conditions which occurs during employment of Ukrainian refugees is enabling illegal work which primarily is
Lastly, the most frequently violated legal condition is the disguised employment placement of holders of temporary protection from Ukraine, when most likely the signs of job placement were fulfilled, but without the appropriate license of the employment agency or without the necessary documentation, typically disguised under a contract for work or a contract for the provision of services.