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Introduction of extraordinary employment-preserving measures in the Czech Republic | News Flash

March 25, 2020
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On 23 March 2020, Government of the Czech Republic adopted resolution no. 293, amending resolution no. 257 of 19 March 2020. Under this resolution, the Government adopted the “Antivirus”, a targeted program for employment sustainability and support of businesses, introducing 5 separate programs (marked A to E below) for prevention of unemployment and economic crisis in the Czech Republic due to the spread of the novel SARS2 coronavirus.

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Due to the state-wide introduction of restriction of freedom of movement, quarantine of travellers from risk-countries and quarantine of infected persons as well as persons the infected interacted with, the majority of businesses have been severely hit. In order to prevent the rise of unemployment, the Czech Labour Ministry (MPSV) and the Labour Office (Úřad práce) will commence compensating the directly affected employers.

Below we bring you a short summary of the introduced compensatory measures. No specifics on the mechanism were provided as of yet, we will be bringing you the latest news as soon as they are published.

The below spreadsheet lists the individual programs, as well as the overview of the legal ground for the situation, its description, usual employees´ entitlement to remuneration in such situations and the announced compensation to employers´ provided to be provided by the Labour Ministry.

LC* Labour Code Act No. 262/2006 Coll.

Andrea Drhová
Senior Associate | Accace Czech Republic
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