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Start-up advisory in Slovakia

Start-up advisory in Slovakia

Choose Accace in Slovakia

Pribinova 40, 811 09 Bratislava

We are constantly driven by the desire to bring innovative solutions, as well as to pass on our know-how and support new talents. Our inhouse Slovak team backed up by a network of international advisors is ready to provide you with a valuable start-up advisory in Slovakia and experience in the field of accounting and payroll outsourcing, tax, legal and transaction consulting.

Over the past years, we have successfully supported small and mid-sized companies, including Slovak and large international companies from various industries. We are also a partner of a Slovak start­-up community StartuPeak and we actively help Slovak start-ups to accelerate their success.

Comprehensive start-up advisory in Slovakia under one roof

We know that starting a successful business can be challenging, but our experts are here to guide you through the necessary steps. Our wisdom lays in the unique mix of financial, legal, tax and accounting expertise under one roof. When dealing with start-ups or well-established companies, the focus on core business activities is more desirable than ever. Relying on a team of experienced experts will allow your start-up to scale and grow faster.

Choose from our full-service offer for start-up advisory in Slovakia, covering:

Start-up establishment

Financial services for start-ups

Legal advisory

Company valuation of start-ups

Sale of shares

Negotiations with investors

Wide range of services for your start-up in Slovakia

Take well-informed decisions and steer the first steps of your company in the right direction. We are here to embark on the journey with you and support your start-up with a comprehensive set of services and start-up advisory in Slovakia tailored to your needs. Take advantage of our expertise in the field of tax, accounting, legal and financial services and unlock the full potential of your company with our BPO and advisory solutions.

Benefit from our start-up advisory in Slovakia and across the globe

With a presence in over 60 locations, we offer expert start-up advisory in Slovakia and also globally. Expanding into new markets presents challenges such as navigating complex legal frameworks, understanding local tax regulations and establishing reliable financial systems. Our in-country teams, supported by international advisors, bridge these gaps with tailored solutions. By combining deep local expertise with global insights, we help startups manage compliance, mitigate risks, and focus on growth. Contact us to discover how our start-up advisory and other services can support your business expansion and growth.

Choose Accace in Slovakia

Pribinova 40, 811 09 Bratislava
