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The year 2025 brings revolutionary changes to the polish real estate tax regulations. The amendment to the Act on Local Taxes and Fees, signed in November 2024, significantly modifies the rules for taxing real estate, requiring businesses to thoroughly adapt to the new provisions.
Due to numerous changes in definitions and emerging interpretative uncertainties, it is crucial to analyze owned properties to estimate future tax liabilities. To facilitate this process, we encourage you to explore the e-book “Polish Real Estate Tax 2025”, created by Accace Poland experts. This publication provides detailed information about the upcoming changes, along with nearly 50 Q&A sections based on questions submitted by participants of our webinars and training sessions.
We believe that the following publication will assist in better preparing for the new regulations. If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our experts for a comprehensive analysis of your property tax liabilities in the context of the proposed changes.
From the beginning of 2025, the definition of “building” used for Polish real estate tax purposes will change.
A facility raised as a result of construction works that:
The definition of a “building” does not include a facility in which bulk materials, materials in pieces, or materials in liquid or gaseous form are or can be stored, if the primary technical parameter determining the structure’s purpose is its capacity.
A facility permanently attached to the ground is one that has a physical connection to the ground, providing stability and protection against external factors.
It is not sufficient to simply place an object on the ground; a permanent connection is required.
The definition of a structure has been divided into five categories, that do not refer to the definition stated in the Polish Construction Law Act.
Annex no. 4 has been developed, containing a closed catalogue of facilities considered to be structures.
These include facilities erected as a result of construction works, even if they are part of a structure not specified in the Act:
The facilities listed in Annex No. 4 to the Act, as well as installations ensuring their intended use, are included.
An object permanently attached to the ground is one that has a physical connection to the ground, providing stability and protection against external factors.
It is not enough to just place an object on the ground; a permanent connection is required.
Exceptions: Mobile objects, such as containers, that are not permanently attached to the ground do not meet this definition.
1. Outdoor sports facility other than those listed in item 2
2. Stadium field, players’ tunnel, stands – included in the stadium
3. Amphitheater
4. Raw water tank, process hall, treated water retention tank, wash water clarifier – included in the water treatment plant
5. Catchment station, treated wastewater pumping station, primary settling tank, secondary settling tank, biological reactor, aerobic chamber, separation chamber, hypoxic chamber, anaerobic chamber, gravity thickener, sludge dewatering installation, degassing installation, excessive sludge thickening station, acetic acid dosing station, filtrate liquid equalization tank, pumping station for recirculated and excessive sludge, predenitrification chamber – included in the wastewater treatment plant
6. A facility in which bulk materials, materials occurring in pieces or materials in liquid or gaseous form are or can be stored,
the basic technical parameter of which determining its purpose is its capacity, other than those listed in item 4 and item 5
10. Container facility permanently attached to the ground
11. Shed excluding sheds listed in Article 1a (1) item 2a (C)
12. Pole foundation for cable line, foundation, support structure, free-standing antenna mast, free-standing tower, telecom rack, telecom pole – included in the telecommunications network
16. Road, entrance, exit from the road, parking bay
18. Bridge, overpass, flyover, culvert, crossing;
24. Parking lot outside the building, parking area, storage area, dumpster area, driveway, canopy
25. Free-standing: tower, mast, outdoor lighting, and free-standing permanently attached to the ground: industrial installation other than those listed in the Annex, billboard, advertising device
28. Tent cover, inflatable shell, shooting range, street kiosk, street sales pavilion, exhibition pavilion – permanently attached to the ground
The proposed definition of structures is aimed at preserving the fiscal status quo of the scope of taxation as much as possible, by transferring the objects indicated in the Construction Law, which are structures, and construction equipment to the proposed Annex No. 4 to the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, which contains a catalog of structures, and to Article 1a(1)(2)(b-e).
Most taxpayers will be able to take advantage of the extended deadline for filing a tax return under the new rules – March 2025.
It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to correctly classify individual objects for real estate tax purposes.
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