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2025 Tax Guideline for the Czech Republic

February 6, 2025

As in previous years, our tax experts have prepared a comprehensive overview of taxes in the Czech Republic.

Our guideline provides useful information that shall matter to you when considering doing business in the Czech Republic

Download our 2025 overview of taxes in the Czech Republic or read more below.

Legal forms of business

General rules on purchasing of real estate

The real estate investor can acquire real estate located on the territory of the Czech Republic by way of an asset deal (e.g. direct acquisition of real estate) or a share deal (e.g. acquisition of a corporation owning real estate).

Asset deal

Foreign entities (natural or legal) may directly acquire real estate in the Czech Republic.

Share deal

As an option, the investment can be done through a resident corporation which directly owns the real estate.


The form of businessThe minimum capital (approx. in EUR)Corporate Income Tax treatmentTax rates
Unlimited PartnershipVeřejná obchodní společnost (v.o.s.)N/AIncome tax base is calculated at the level of the partnership and then transferred to partners; tax is levied at the level of the partners. No need to file a tax return.15%1)
21% 2)
Limited PartnershipKomanditní společnost (k.s.)N/AIncome tax base attributable to general partners is transferred to general partners and tax is assessed at the level of general partners. The remaining part of the income tax base is taxed at the level of the entity.15%1)
21% 2) 21% 3)
Limited Liability CompanySpolečnost s ručením omezeným (s.r.o.)N/ANon-transparent, fully liable to tax.21%
Joint Stock CompanyAkciová společnost (a.s.)CZK 2,000,000 (approx. EUR 80,0004))Non-transparent, fully liable to tax.21%
BranchOrganizační složkaN/AIncome tax base attributable to the Czech branch is taxable.21%
CooperativeDružstvoN/ANon-transparent, fully liable to tax.21%
Sole entrepreneurŽivnostN/ATaxed as part of the overall liability of the individual.15%


1) In the case that the general partners are individuals, personal income tax rate of 15% applies.
2) In the case that the general partners are corporations, the corporate income tax rate of 21% applies.
3) Tax base attributable to limited partners is taxed at the level of the partnership at 21% corporate income tax rate.
4) Exchange rate used – 25.000 CZK/EUR, rounded to the nearest 10.

Social security and labor law aspects

General social security and health insurance

Contribution forMaximum ass. base per yearEmployeeEmployerSole entrepreneur
Social security    
–         Pension insuranceCZK 2,234,736 (approx. EUR 89,390)6.5%21.5%28%
–         Sickness insurance0.6%2.1%2.7%1)
–         Unemployment insuranceN/A1.2%1.2%
Health insuranceN/A4.5%9%13.5%
TOTAL 11,6%33,8%45.4%


1) The contribution is voluntary.

Social security and health insurance assessment base of an employee is derived from taxable employment income. In case of sole entrepreneur, the assessment base is calculated as the half of the personal income tax base.

The maximum base for social security contributions amounts to to CZK 2,334,736 (approx. EUR 89,390) per year/per employer.

If the assessment base exceeds the limit, the amount of income that is above the limit is not subject to social security. When an employee has more than one employer during the year, the limit for social security contributions (24,8%) is applicable for each employer separately.

Residents of the EU are covered by the provisions of EC Regulation 883/2004 regulating social security and health insurance rules in case of cross-border activities. If non-EU residents work in the Czech Republic or Czech nationals work in a third country a bilateral social security agreement may provide for the applicable social security legislation (where such agreement is concluded). Provided that a bilateral social security agreement is not concluded, the local legislative applies only.

General comments on Czech labour law

Main features of employment relationshipApplicable law on labour
Contract type

Labour contract (either for definite or indefinite period)
Agreement on work performance
Agreement on working activity

  • Act No. 262/2006 Coll. Labour Code
  • Act No. 589/1992 Coll. on social insurance
  • Act No. 48/1997 Coll. on health insurance
  • Government regulation No. 567/2006 Coll. on minimum salary
  • Act No. 309/2006 Coll. on safety and health protection at work
  • Act No. 251/2005 Coll. on labour inspection
Contract must include

Type of work
Place of work
The day the employee shall start his / her work
(The contract must be concluded in writing)

Working time40 hours per week
Holiday entitlement per year20 days
Other commentsTrial period (max. 3 or 6 months), statutory rules in case of employment termination, notice period (minimum of 2 months)

Employment contract preparation available just a click away in our eShop 

Taxes on corporate income

Corporate income tax (“CIT”) – rates

Corporate income tax is levied at a general rate of 21%.

Corporate income tax rate of 5% applies to basic investment funds. Pension funds are subject to tax rate of 0%.

Corporate income tax – general information


A company is treated as a Czech tax resident if it has its legal seat or place of effective management in the Czech Republic.

Taxable income

Tax resident companies are taxable on their worldwide income. The taxable income is calculated based on the accounting profits according to Czech accounting regulations and is adjusted for tax purposes. Tax non-resident companies are taxed only from Czech source income.

Tax period

The calendar year or the fiscal year.

Tax returns and assessment

The taxpayer has the obligation to calculate the tax due in the corporate income tax return (self-assessment). The time-limit for filing the tax return is generally three months after the end of the tax period. If the CIT return is filed electronically, the time-limit for filing the tax return is four months. If the CIT return is filed by a tax advisor or the taxpayer is subject to a statutory audit, the time-limit for the submission of the CIT return is six months.

Tax liability and payment in foreign currency

With effect from 1 January 2024, it is also possible to keep accounts in EUR, GBP and USD if this is so-called “functional currency” of the company. The “functional currency” is defined as the currency of the primary economic environment in which the company operates. The company shall be able to justify the procedures and analyses used to determine that functional currency.

However, the corporate income tax liability determined in tax return shall be determined in CZK. If the tax liability is paid from a foreign currency account and there is an overpayment or underpayment only due to exchange rate differences, this overpayment or underpayment will not be taken into account, and the tax liability will be considered by Czech tax authorities as fully paid.

In the future, it is planned to allow companies to keep their accounts in other foreign currencies (not only EUR, GBP and USD), and also to allow the determination of the corporate tax liability in this currency.

Tax advancement

Advance payments must be paid semi-annually, if the last known tax liability is between CZK 30,000 – 150,000 (approx. EUR 1,200 – 6,000). Then the advance payment amounts to 40% of the tax liability.

If the last known tax liability is higher than CZK 150,000 (approx. EUR 6,000), the advance payment is ¼ of the previous tax liability and is paid quarterly.


Generally, expenses incurred in obtaining, ensuring and maintaining taxable income are fully tax deductible, unless they are listed as non-deductible items or items which are deductible only up to a limit set by the law.

Deductions on research and development

Expenses on research and development projects can be deducted from tax base up to 100%, resp. 110% of the expense. In fact, research and development costs are claimed twice, because the cost of research and development project remains in the calculation of the tax base. Deduction can be made for up to 3 years.

Education tax deduction

Companies can obtain tax deductions in two forms. A deduction for assets acquired for professional education, can be made twice:


by the depreciation of asset which decreases the tax base


by the deduction of up to 110% of value of asset in the year of acquisition

Companies providing professional education can deduct CZK 200 (approx. EUR 8) per hour of educational activity, which is the second form of deduction.

Tax losses

Tax losses derived after 1993 may be carried forward
5 tax years

Starting from July 2020, the tax losses can be carried backwards
2 tax years


Tax losses derived after 1993 may be carried forward for 5 tax years.

Starting from July 2020, the tax losses can be carried backwards for 2 tax years. The maximum amount that can be claimed is CZK 30 million (approx. EUR 1,200,000).

Exemption from taxation

The following types of income are tax exempt:

Dividends paid by a subsidiary (CZ or another EU Member State resident) to its parent company (CZ or another EU Member State resident).

Income from sale of participation in a subsidiary (CZ or another EU Member State resident).

Dividends and income from sale of participation in a subsidiary if the subsidiary is a non-EU resident from a “double tax treaty” country and is subject to corporate income tax which is not lower than 12%.

There are several conditions which must be met to be able to claim the exemptions in the situations 1-3 above. The key condition is that the parent company holds at least a 10% share in the subsidiary for at least 12 uninterrupted months. Income under situation 1 above is tax exempt also if paid to a resident of Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.


Investment incentives are available to Czech Republic seated entities owned by both Czech and foreign investors for the following supported areas:

Manufacturing industry

Technology centers

Business support services centres – shared-services centres, software-development centres and high-technology repair centres, call centres and data centres

While meeting the conditions, investments incentives can be provided in the following forms:

  • Income tax relief for up to 10 years
  • Financial support for creation of new jobs
  • Financial support for training and retraining new employees
  • Financial support in the case of strategic investments in manufacturing or in technology centres
  • Transfer of public land at a favourable price
  • Real estate tax exemption for up to 5 years
  • Grant of investment incentives is subject to approval of Ministry of Industry and Trade or the Czech government.

Withholding tax


Dividends paid to residents and non-residents are subject to 15% withholding tax.

However, under the EU parent-subsidiary directive, dividends paid from subsidiary to parent company are exempted from taxation under the following conditions. Dividends paid from a subsidiary (CZ, EU) to its parent company (CZ, EU) are exempted from taxation, if the parent holds at least a 10% share in the subsidiary for at least 12 uninterrupted months. Similar treatment applies also to dividends paid by a CZ subsidiary to a parent company seated in Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Withholding tax of 35% applies when dividends are paid to other jurisdictions than EU/ EEA states or states with which the Czech Republic did not conclude a double tax treaty.


Interest paid to non-residents is subject to a 15% withholding tax. Exemption can be applied when interest is paid by a Czech resident to a company with permanent residency in the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. Taxpayers from EU/EEA are permitted to file a tax return to deduct costs related to interest payment.

A 35% rate applies when interest is paid to other jurisdiction than EU/ EEA states or states with which the Czech Republic did not conclude double tax treaty.


Royalties paid to non-residents are subject to 15% withholding tax. Royalties can be exempted from taxation when paid from Czech tax resident to company from EU member state, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. Taxpayers from EU/EEA are permitted to file a tax return to deduct costs related to royalties.

A 35% rate applies when royalties are paid to other jurisdiction than EU/ EEA states or state with which the Czech Republic did not conclude double tax treaty.

Anti-avoidance rules

Thin capitalization

It is prohibited to deduct interest expenses from loans provided by related parties when the sum of loans during a tax period exceeds six times the equity if the recipient of a loan is a bank or insurance company or exceeds four times the equity for other recipients of loans.

Excessive borrowing costs

Excessive borrowing costs are tax deductible only up to a predefined limit. The limit is set at 30% of tax profit before taxes, interest, depreciation, respectively CZK 80 million (approx. EUR 3,200,000).

At the same time, the Income Tax Act allows the tax base or the difference between income and expenses to be reduced in the following tax periods by amounts that have under the proposed rule increased the tax base or the difference between income and expenses in previous periods. The mentioned reduction of the tax base or the difference between income and expenses is allowed in a tax period in which the taxpayer does not reach the limit of excessive borrowing costs.

Controlled foreign company

In determining its tax base, the controlling company considers the so-called included revenues achieved by the controlled foreign company. Included revenues cover e.g. license fees, dividend income, income from sale of ownership share, income from sale of goods and provision of services from/to affiliates without added value/ with little added value, insurance, banking and other financial services, etc.

The so-called included revenues form part of the tax base of the controlling company in proportion to the share capital of the controlled foreign company. The adjustment of the tax base of the controlling company by the included revenues shall not be done provided that such an adjustment would lead to decrease of the tax base of the controlling company.


The Czech Republic implemented DAC VI EU guideline under which cross-border arrangements the implementation of which can lead to a tax advantage must be reported to tax authorities. The first reporting deadline was set at 31 January 2021.


The Czech Republic implemented DAC VII EU guideline that requires operators of digital platforms in the EU to report information about their providers.

The directive impacts platforms with the following activities:

  • Rental of immovable property, both residential and commercial
  • Rental of any mode of transport
  • Providing personal services
  • Sale of goods

The first reporting period is scheduled for 2023, and the first reporting deadline is set at 31 January 2024.

Transfer pricing

The transfer pricing rules apply between related parties (both resident and foreign). Parties are related if one has direct or indirect participation of 25% in capital or voting rights of the other party. Parties can also be related when the same person participates in management or control of both parties.

When prices in transaction between related parties differ from market prices and the difference is not justified, tax base is adjusted by the difference.

International aspects

Double tax treaties

Elimination of double taxation (credit or exemption) is available under the relevant double tax treaty. The unused part of foreign tax may be deducted as a tax expense in the following period.

Taxes on individual income

Personal income tax – rates

The tax rate of 15% is applied to income up to income up to CZK 1,676,052 (approx. EUR 67,040), which monthly equals an employment income up to CZK 139,671 (approx. EUR 5,590), and the tax rate of 23% is applied to income exceeding this amount for 2025.

Certain types of income are not aggregated but are subject to a special final withholding tax of 15% or 35%.

Personal income tax – general information


Individuals who have their permanent residence or habitual abode in the Czech Republic are treated as Czech tax residents. An individual has his/her habitual abode in the Czech Republic if he/she is present in the Czech Republic for at least 183 days (in aggregate) in a calendar year (except individuals who stay there for the purposes of studying or receiving medical treatment). All other individuals are treated as Czech tax non-residents. Should an individual be also regarded as a tax resident in another country based on the other country’s domestic law, the double tax treaty determines his/her final tax residency status based on tie breakers stipulated in the respective double tax treaty.

Taxable income

Individuals who are residents for tax purposes in the Czech Republic are taxed on their worldwide income. Czech tax non-residents are taxed only on Czech source income only. Taxable income of an individual is usually calculated by aggregating the separate net results of the following income categories:

Employment income: salaries, wages, bonuses, remuneration of executives and board members

Capital income: interests and dividends (also from foreign sources for Czech tax residents)

Other income: income from the sale of securities, sale of property (if not tax exempt)

Income from the independent activity: income from business activities and professional services

Rental income: income from lease of immovable property

Related expenses can be applied only for the income from the independent activity, rental and other income. Specific exemptions and deductions differ for each income category, for the income from the independent activity and rental income, expenses can be applied as a percentage of income or as actual expenses.

Exemption from taxation

There are several exemptions from taxation stipulated in the Income Tax Act e.g.:

  • Income from sale of house or flat is exempted from taxation if the seller has a permanent residence for at least 2 years before the sale.
  • The time test for exempting income from the sale of real estate not used / intended for residential purposes was extended from 5 to 10 years. Income from sale of immovable asset is exempted from taxation when the period of ownership of the asset exceeds 10 years before the sale. This applies to sales of properties acquired after 1 January 2021.
  • Income from sale of movable property (some exceptions apply).
  • Income from sale of a share in a limited liability company entity is exempted from taxation if the share was held for at least 5 years before the sale.
  • Income from sale of securities is exempted if they are held for at least 3 years before the sale or if the total income does not exceed CZK 100,000 (approx. EUR 4,160).
  • Social transfers.
  • Pensions are exempted up to CZK 748,800 (approx. EUR 29,950).

Tax period

Calendar year.

Tax assessment

Tax return must be filed by 1 April of the following year (paper form) or by 1 May electronically via a data mailbox or with an electronic signature. The deadline can be extended until 1 July if the tax return is prepared and filed by a tax advisor or by an attorney based on a power of attorney. An employee, who does not have to file the tax return, may take part in the process of annual tax reconciliation arranged by the employer, the request has to be signed by 15 February.


Tax losses generated from independent activities and rental activities may be set off against all types of income (except of employment income). Losses that cannot be set off may be carried forward or carried back. The standard carry-forward period is 5 years. A taxpayer may also claim the tax loss in 2 preceding tax periods up to the maximum total amount of CZK 30 million via a supplementary tax return.

Personal deductions

The following deductions can be applied by an individual:

  • Donations – minimum of 2% of personal income tax base or CZK 1,000 (approx. EUR 40), maximum of 30% of personal income tax base (exception until 2026).
  • The maximum limit for the deduction of interests on a mortgage loan amounts to CZK 300,000 (approx. EUR 12,000) for mortgage contracts concluded before 2021 and CZK 150,000 (approx. EUR 6,000) for mortgage contracts concluded after 2021.
  • Contributions to retirement savings product and long-term care insurance up to CZK 48,000 (approx. EUR 1,920) in total. The retirement savings product is defined in the Czech tax legislation as:
    • supplementary pension insurance with state contribution,
    • supplementary pension savings,
    • pension insurance,
    • private life insurance and
    • long-term investment product (Czech: “DIP“).


Basic personal tax relief

In 2025, the annual basic personal tax relief can be claimed in the amount of CZK 30,840 (approx. . EUR 1,230).

Dependent–spouse relief

Allowance of up to 24,840 CZK (approx. EUR 990 can be claimed by a resident taxpayer whose spouse does not have annual taxable income higher than CZK 68,000 (approx. EUR 2,720) and only if they take care of a child in age up to 3 years. The basic dependent-spouse relief doubles in case of disability of the spouse.

Other reliefs

Taxpayers with disability may apply a relief from CZK 2,520 (approx. EUR 100) to CZK 16,140 (approx. EUR 650), depending on the extent of the disability.

Children tax allowances

Resident taxpayers are entitled to a tax allowance for each child living in the same household with him. The amount depends on the number of children. Annual tax allowance is CZK 15,204 (approx. EUR 610) for the first child, CZK 22,320 (approx. EUR 900) for the second child and CZK 27,840 (approx. EUR 1,110) for any other child.

All the reliefs and allowances mentioned above are annual and can be applied for any resident of EU/EEC, if the income from the Czech Republic is at least 90% of overall taxpayer’s income.

The summary of 2025 tax benefits for individuals
Tax reliefsAmount/yearConditionsDocuments required
Taxpayer reliefCZK 30,840No conditions – applicable for everyoneNo documents needed
Spouse reliefCZK 24,840Spouse / registered partner living with the taxpayer in common household

Confirmation from the spouse’s employer or filled in and signed document Spouse Affidavit if the spouse is not employed

Birth certificate of the child incl. translation if the birth certificate is not in Czech


Marriage certificate / certificate of registered partnership incl. translation if the marriage certificate is not in Czech

The income of the spouse not exceeding CZK 68,000 (excluding social security benefits, e.g. parental allowance with the exception of financial help in maternity) and only if he/she takes care of a child in age up to 3 years.
Disability reliefCZK 2,520The taxpayer receives disability pension for the first or second degree of disabilityGeneral statement about receiving a disability pension* and annual confirmation about payments received
CZK 5,040The taxpayer receives disability pension for the third degree of disability
Relief for the holders of Card of person with disabilities (ZTP/P)CZK 16,140Card of person with disabilities (ZTP/P)Card of person with disabilities (ZTP/P)* which indicates the validity period
Allowance on 1st dependent childCZK 15,204The child is living with the taxpayer in common household. It covers the taxpayer’s child, a child at alternative care of taxpayer, an adopted child a child of a spouse living with the taxpayer in common household, the grandson/granddaughter living with the taxpayer in common household. If the child is a holder of ZTP, the tax allowances is doubledBirth certificate of the child* and confirmation from the employer of the other parent that he/she does not apply tax allowance on the child. If the spouse is not employed the document Spouse and child affidavit needs to be filled in and signed. If a child is older than 18 years and is studying confirmation of study for the whole year is needed (student at university up to age of 26, PhD student up to 28 years). If the child studies at a foreign university abroad, the decision of the Czech Ministry of Education on the recognition of the higher education is also needed. If a child is holder of ZTP/P card, the copy of this card is needed
Allowance on 2nd dependent childCZK 22,320
Allowance on 3rd and next dependent childCZK 27,840
Donation for charitable purposes including blood donationMax 30% of tax basement
CZK 3,000/blood donation
At least 2% of tax basement, minimum amount is CZK 1,000 (in total)Confirmation of the gift donated (gift contract, confirmation of a recipient of a gift), confirmation about blood donation
Mortgage interestsMax CZK 300,000 / Max CZK 150,000 per a household (for loans concluded from 1 January 2021)Interest on building savings / mortgage loans or related contractsCopy of Mortgage contract*, Confirmation of mortgage interests paid in the period, copy of Statement from real estate cadastre*
Direct contractor
Ownership of an apartment, land, building, membership share in a cooperative
Use for permanent housing
Life Insurance Contributions **

Max CZK 48,000 in total for all retirement savings product and long-term care insurance


Payment of insurance benefits after 60/120 months (5/10 years) and simultaneously not earlier than on 60 years of age (unless the insured amount is agreed)Copy of Life Insurance contract*and Confirmation of life insurance paid in the period
Pension Insurance Contributions**Max CZK 24,000




From 1 January 2024: Payment of insurance benefits after 120 months and at the earliest in the year of reaching the age of 60 years

Until 30 June 2024: The tax base deduction is applicable from the amount exceeding CZK 12,000 of the contributions paid (up this amount a state subsidy is applicable)

From 1 July 2024: Only contributions above CZK 1,700 are considered for the deduction

Copy of Pension Insurance contract* and Confirmation of pension insurance paid in the period
Long Term Investment Product (DIP)Payment of insurance benefits after 120 months and simultaneously not earlier than on 60 years of ageCopy of the DIP contract and the Confirmation of contributions paid in the period
Long Term Care Insurance

Dependency of the insured corresponding to dependency level III or IV according to the legislation regulating social services.

Not applicable if the insurer may terminate the contract later than 2 months from the date of its conclusion or may terminate it on the basis of notification of the occurrence of an insurance event, or has the right to change the amount of the insurance premium depending on the age or health status.
Copy of the Long-term care insurance contract and the Confirmation of contributions paid in the period

*If the contributions were already deducted in the past and the related documents were provided to the Czech tax authorities, we do not require these documents.
**Please note that in case of pension insurance/life insurance contributions paid to insurance company seated outside the Czech Republic, all related documents need to be translated into Czech (if not issued in Czech). As tax deduction can be applied contributions paid to an organization within EU.

Value added tax

Value added tax – rates

Standard rate: 21%.

Reduced rate 12% applies to specific goods, such as food and drinking tap water, special healthcare products or pharmaceutical products (incl. drugs and vaccines), public transportation, hotel accommodation, catering or entry to cultural and sport events.

Value added tax – general information


The VAT rules are based on the principles of the Council Directive 2006/112/EC on the Common System of Value Added Tax. The Directive is implemented in the Czech law by Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on Value Added tax.

Taxable person

Legal entities and individuals that carry on an economic activity.

Taxable event

  • the supply of goods and services in relation with an economic activity within the territory of the Czech Republic.
  • the intra-Community acquisition of goods for consideration within the territory of the Czech Republic from another EU Member State; and
  • the importation of goods into the Czech Republic.

Taxable amount

Total consideration charged for the supply, excluding VAT but including any excise duties or other taxes and fees.

Tax period

Calendar month or quarter, based on turnover for one calendar year. Compulsory tax period for newly registered VAT payers is calendar month.

Tax assessment

Periodical VAT returns: monthly or quarterly, by the 25th day of the following month.

The amount of VAT liability consists of the VAT due on supply of goods and services carried out by the entrepreneur less input VAT of the same period.

In addition, taxable person carrying out intra-Community supplies or providing services according to the basic rule for “business to business” services has to file an EC Sales List (that shows the VAT identification numbers of his business partners and the total value of all the supplies of goods and services performed by the entrepreneur) on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on the situation.

VAT control statement

From 2016, VAT registered persons are also obliged to file a recapitulative statement that contains details of transactions subject to VAT in the Czech Republic as well as of transactions where input VAT deduction is claimed.

Reverse charge

Reverse charge applies to the intra-community acquisition of both goods and services. Local reverse charge is applicable in certain cases between two Czech VAT payers.

A permanent reverse charge regime applies, regardless the taxable amount, to supply of gold, supply of intangible property when VAT is included in the price voluntary, supply of construction and installation services and provision of workers who provide construction and installation services and, also to supply of selected goods – mainly scrap.

A temporary reverse charge regime applies, if the total amount of the tax base for the taxable supply exceeds CZK 100,000 to the following commodities:

  • corn and industrial crops, including oilseeds and sugar beets,
  • metals, including precious metals, except those covered by the special regime pursuant to Article 90 of the VAT Act and those subject to a reverse charge mechanism pursuant to Article 92c of the VAT Act,
  • mobile phones,
  • integrated circuits such as microprocessors and central processing units,
  • portable automatic data processing devices (such as laptops, tablets etc.),
  • video game consoles,
  • and further, regardless the taxable amount, to provision of telecommunications services, transfer of emission allowances, or supply of electricity and gas to a trader.

VAT registration

The threshold for mandatory VAT registration for taxable person with registered office, place of business or fixed establishment in the Czech Republic is the turnover of CZK 2,000,000 (approx. EUR 80,000) for a calendar year. Voluntary VAT registration is possible as well.

A foreign taxable person that makes long-distance sales (mail order business) in the Czech Republic to any person that is not registered for VAT in the Czech Republic has to register for VAT in the Czech Republic if the total value of the relevant transactions (distanced sale of goods and provision of telecommunication services, radio and television broadcasting services and electronically provided services to a non-taxable person), did not exceed EUR 10,000 (approx. CZK 250,000) in the relevant and the immediately preceding calendar year. Alternatively, a single EU VAT return submitted in the OSS (One-Stop-Shop) scheme will be an option.

Person identified to tax

Taxable person must register as an identified person in the following situations:

  • purchase of services from persons established outside the Czech Republic with place of supply in the Czech Republic,
  • supply of services with place of supply in another EU Member State,
  • intra-community acquisition of goods from another EU-Member State.

VAT group registration

Several taxable persons who have their seat, place of business or fixed establishment within the territory of the Czech Republic and are connected financially, economically, and organizationally, may be deemed as a single taxable person.

Other taxes

Taxes on capital

Net worth tax

There is no net worth tax in the Czech Republic.

Real estate tax

This tax consists of land tax and building and apartment tax. Amount of the real estate tax depends on the purpose of the land, building or apartment and location. The basic rates can be increased by decision of municipality.

Windfall tax

Starting from 2023 windfall tax applies to excess profits of large banks and companies in the energy industry. The tax will only apply for a limited period in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025.

The tax base is calculated based on the CIT base of the entity generated in 2023, 2024 and 2025 that exceeds the average of tax bases that the entity generated during the period 2018, 2019, 2020 and- 2021 increased by 20%. Those selected entities are therefore subject not only the standard 21% CIT but also to the additional 60% CIT surcharge.

Other business-related taxes

Road tax

Levied on road vehicle of category N2 and N3 and their trailers of category O3 or O4 if they are registered in the register of road vehicles in the Czech Republic.

Excise duties

Excise duties are levied on mineral oil, beer, wine, spirits, electricity, coal, natural gas and tobacco products.

Customs duties

Goods imported from non-EU countries are subject to import customs clearance.

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