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Employment of Ukrainian citizens in Slovakia | News Flash

March 17, 2022
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The war in Ukraine has affected the world, and many people have joined forces to help those most affected. In response to these events, the Slovak Republic facilitated both the entry of these persons onto its territory and their involvement in everyday life, such as the employment of Ukrainian citizens in Slovakia. All useful information in Ukrainian language is available on the IOM Migration Information Center website. In this News Flash, we offer you a summary of the most important facts as well as useful information for employers.

Entry onto the territory of the Slovak Republic

Nowadays, all persons fleeing a war conflict are allowed to enter the territory of the Slovak Republic, regardless of whether they have a valid travel document or not.

Citizens of Ukraine with a biometric passport can stay in Slovakia without a visa for a maximum of 90 days in any 180-day period.

If you are not just transiting through Slovakia, but plan to stay here, you must report the start of your stay to the relevant Foreign Police Department in person or by post within 3 working days of entry – download form and more detailed information HERE. All the workplaces of the Foreign Police are currently working around the clock.

Temporary refuge

Temporary refuge is provided, inter alia, to protect foreigners from war in their country of origin. The Slovak Republic provides temporary refuge to Ukrainian citizens and their family members from 1.3.2022 to 31.12.2022.

A family member of a citizen of Ukraine is:

  • the spouse of a Ukrainian citizen,
  • a minor child of a Ukrainian citizen or a minor child of the spouse of a Ukrainian citizen,
  • parent of a minor child who is a citizen of Ukraine.

All necessary information on the provision of temporary refuge is available in Slovak and Ukrainian language here.

How to employ refugees from Ukraine

If the applicant is provided with temporary refuge, he can work in Slovakia without the need for additional permits. However, he cannot run a business. For business purposes, the applicant first needs to obtain permanent or at least temporary residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Useful information for employers for the employment of Ukrainian citizens in Slovakia

The employer is entitled to employ a person who has been issued with a tolerated stay document and thus granted the status of “ODÍDENEC”. In this case, no work permit or confirmation of the possibility of filling a free job position is required.

The employer is obliged to inform the relevant labour office about the recruitment of such a person no later than seven working days from the date of commencement of employment relationship. The same obligation shall apply to him in the event of termination of employment of that person. The employer shall provide a copy of the employment contract or agreement on work performed outside the employment relationship and a copy of the document on tolerated stay in the territory of the Slovak Republic marked “ODÍDENEC” with the information card.

The health contributions and social contributions of such an employee shall be subject to the same rules as by all other employees.

Simona Klučiarová
Senior Associate | Accace Slovakia
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