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Financial transaction tax in Slovakia and non-profit organizations | News Flash

January 24, 2025
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In our latest article, we bring you fresh information about a legislative change that affects the financial transaction tax in Slovakia and non-profit organizations.

The amendment to the financial transactions tax in Slovakia has excluded from the position of taxpayers the following entities: civic associations, non-investment funds, foundations, non-profit organizations, church-affiliated entities, associations of legal entities, research and development entities, organizations with an international element, and the Slovak Red Cross.

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What must organizations meet to avoid tax obligations?

To avoid the obligation to pay the financial transaction tax in Slovakia, these organizations must meet two conditions: they must have a specified legal form and have a subject of activity at least one of the activities listed below:

  1. Health protection and promotion; prevention, treatment, and resocialization of drug addicts in healthcare and social services,
  2. Support and development of sports,
  3. Provision of social assistance,
  4. Preservation of cultural values,
    e) Support for education,
  5. Protection of human rights,
  6. Environmental protection and creation,
  7. Science and research,
  8. Organization and facilitation of volunteer activities.

What are the next steps once the requirements are fulfilled?

If these entities meet both conditions, they must report this to their banks, including the bank accounts used for public benefit financial transactions.

Who will determine the method and form of proof and notification?

The bank will determine the method and form of proof and notification. Once the notification is delivered, the bank will cease collecting the financial transaction tax for these entities starting the following day.

What is a frequent question?

A frequent question arises about how these entities should proceed if they engage not only in non-profit activities but also partially in business activities. Should transactions related to business activities be subject to the financial transaction tax? Or should their entire operation be taxed?

What is dictated by law?

The law does not distinguish whether non-profits, civic associations, etc., conduct only non-profit or also business activities. The law specifies as conditions for exemption from the taxpayer group only particular legal forms and activities from the specified list of public-benefit activities. Therefore, if non-profits with the specified activities also engage in business, they will not be subject to the financial transaction tax at all.

Barbora Juhásová
Tax Manager | Accace Slovakia
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