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The next phase of electronic mailbox activation for non-profit organisations and civic associations in Slovakia | News Flash

June 5, 2020

From June 1, 2020, the next phase of electronic mailbox activation in Slovakia was launched. Until now, only entities registered with the Commercial Register were obliged to have an activated electronic mailbox. After this, the obligation arises even for those entities who are registered with other registers.

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Automatic activation of an electronic mailbox

The obligation to have an activated electronic mailbox for the delivery will concern foundations, non-investment funds, non-profit organisations providing public utility services, civic associations, trade unions, employers’ organisations, political parties and movements, interest groupings of legal persons and organisations with international succession.

If your organisation is among the listed subjects above and you haven’t used the electronic mailbox yet, therefore you haven’t activated the mailbox for delivery, the mailbox will be activated automatically no later than on June 11, 2020, since when official decisions can be delivered.

We therefore recommend to activate the mailbox and set up the sending of the notifications to your e-mail address to avoid situation where the delivered official decision becomes valid without your knowledge. The decisions delivered electronically have the same legal effect as if they were delivered in a paper form.

Setting up and activating your electronic mailbox for delivery may be possible only if the register, in which your organisation is registered, contains complete data in the following range – name, registration number of the legal person, name, surname and birth number of the statutory body. It is therefore desirable to check the completeness of your data regarding your organisation in the relevant register and complete them, if necessary.

Access to your electronic mailbox

To access your electronic mailbox, it is necessary to have an identification card with an electronic chip (eID card), personal security code (BOK) and relevant certificates. The statutory body can obtain the relevant documents at any documents department in Slovakia.

After fulfilling all the conditions above, the electronic mailbox can be activated on a portal, where you can also find detailed information about the activation process.

Simona Klučiarová
Senior Associate | Accace Slovakia
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