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Book!t powered by Accace: Shared office and parking management

September 22, 2023
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At Accace, we tried to tackle the problem of how to adapt our office space for our colleagues during hybrid work model due to the ongoing pandemic, and after their return to “regular” working life. We were looking for a way of how to simply manage capacity and occupancy of shared office and parking spaces. We have therefore decided to develop an in-house solution that meets our requirements and needs. Let us share with you our new back office service – book!t powered by Accace.

We believe in intelligent technologies that simplify our colleagues’ and clients’ everyday work. Book!t reflects simplicity and functionality available in any intelligent device. It works both as a web version of desktop and mobile app where a user can login anytime and from anywhere.

How does book!t work?

Log in to the web (desktop or mobile version) app

Create basic spaceplan using own graphics and design of your company

Choose a free desk in an available office or a parking space according to the calendar

Pick a date and time of your reservation and simply confirm

What benefits does book!t offer?

The benefit of book!t solution is its time efficiency for your HR department and office – no additional administration or communication is needed regarding office reservation and shared parking. Your department can get access to comprehensive reporting and overview of seat occupancy.

Another advantage is the resolution of issues around the transition to hybrid model of work and seat occupancy in your premises.

In both situations, your company can benefit from cost savings associated with renting parking spaces or possible change in the layout of the offices.

Book!t brings benefits even to your employees – it offers them an overview of their colleagues’ availability in the office at a specific time and it can simplify the process of organizing internal meetings in person.

For whom is book!t intended?

“This solution is suitable for everyone – whether you are a large company, SME, start-up or coworking space, book!t can be easily set according to your requirements“  says Peter Pašek, Managing Director & Partner Accace Slovakia. „Book!t stands for „book it“ in accounting, and although this solution is not directly related to accounting, it is somehow a hidden reference to our beginnings.“

Dana Folenta
Office Manager | Accace Slovakia
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