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Fulfillment of the mandatory employment quota for citizens with disabilities in Slovakia | News Flash

March 18, 2024
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In accordance with § 63 section 1, letter d) of act no. 5/2004 Coll. on Employment Services and on Amendments to Certain Acts as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), an employer is required to employ citizens with disabilities pursuant to § 9 section 1 of the Act if the employer employs at least 20 employees and if the employment office maintains a register of job seekers with disabilities pursuant to § 9 section 1 a) of the Act in an amount representing 3.2% of the total number of its employees.

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The Employer is obliged to:

  • provide suitable working conditions for citizens with disabilities whom they employ,
  • provide training and preparation for work for citizens with disabilities and pay special attention to increasing qualifications during their employment,
  • maintain records of citizens with disabilities,
  • employ citizens with disabilities; if the employer employs at least 20 employees and if the employment office maintains a register of job seekers with disabilities in an amount representing 3.2% of the total number of its employees. 

In accordance with the law, the employer has the right to fulfill the mandatory quota of employing citizens with disabilities through the following alternative methods:

  • by assigning a contract suitable for employing citizens with disabilities
  • by payment of a levy,
  • by a mutual combination of the previous methods and employment under § 63 section 1 e) of the Act.

With confirmation, the employer has to provide:

  1. a photocopy of the contract for the assigned task (order, or contract),
  2. a photocopy of the payment document (invoice, bank statement, revenue and expenditure cash receipt),
  3. additional documents proving the assignment of the task – itemized list of goods according to § 64 section of the Employment Services Act (an inseparable appendix to the confirmation for the employer), delivery notes,
  4. documents proving the eligibility to carry out tasks according to § 64 section of the Employment Services Act – a photocopy of the document granting the status of an integration enterprise, sheltered workshop, photocopy of the document granting the status of a sheltered workplace, photocopy of the extract from the commercial register, photocopy of the extract from the trade register, photocopy of the trade license, photocopy of the decision or notification from the Social Insurance Company, or an assessment from the social security department according to special legislation (Act No. 328/2002 Coll. as amended) in the case of a natural person who is a citizen with disabilities.


“Annual reports on the fulfillment of the mandatory quota for employing citizens with disabilities for the year 2023, to be submitted by March 31, 2024, will now be typed electronically by employers” – using an electronic form sent to the information system for employment services purposes.

A new module has been deployed on the portal

In the Employer section, under the module Fulfillment of the mandatory quota for employing citizens with disabilities. Reports sent by mail will no longer be accepted!

Instructions for login, RV module, data import, and export can be found on the website:

Further information can be found at the provided link: ÚPSVaR > Plnenie povinného podielu zamestnávania občanov so ZP > Plnenie povinného podielu zamestnávania občanov so ZP (

Zuzana Sokolová
Senior Payroll Accountant | Accace Slovakia
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