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Payroll and HR online portal

Self-service for employees and HR teams I HR administration I T&A

Payroll and HR online portal

Self-service for employees and HR teams I HR administration I T&A

Your workforce is changing every day – let us help you to adapt

We have leveraged our in-house designed technology to meet our clients’ evolving demands for  an advanced payroll service delivery. Our Payroll and HR online portal offers a robust customer self-service option and greatly improves the overall user experience through direct engagement by employees and HR teams.

Having gone the “build versus buy” route has given Accace a unique advantage, as we have no need to rely on other third parties for our various portal requirements or client-customizations. Needless to say, the payroll and HR agenda is extremely sensitive in terms of legislation compliance – being backed up by a well-matched team of payroll, accounting, tax and legal experts, we prefer to be flexible and handle all the necessary updates in-house.

Keep your employees engaged through our payroll and HR online portal

What is draining the most time and resources from your HR department? Keeping track of paperwork? Helping employees to navigate working time scheduling and absences? Perhaps it is managing and onboarding potential talent. Consider how these and other issues are limiting your HR department’s resources and possibly also your company’s growth.

Simplify and automate

Rethink and improve your payroll and HR processes and tailor all workflows to your exact needs

Turn to paperless

Move the entire document management into cloud, access all data anytime and from any device

Interact virtually

Let employees and HR teams engage online and manage tasks with a self-service interface

Accace’s payroll and HR outsourcing services are designed to fully provide the functions of your internal payroll department while maintaining the comfort level your employees and management are accustomed to having all support in-house. In addition, our payroll and HR online portal offers a convenient self-service function that enables employees to manage numerous tasks on their own, without the need to ask your HR team to assist. Thus, a gain in efficiency.

Self-service portal for employees and HR teams: more freedom, transparency and control

Employees log in to the portal to access their pay slips, send a ticket to their payroll accountant, fill in data for their yearly tax clearance, request time-off, manage business travel or settle travel expenses. Access is based on preferences and the selection of a number of available modules.

The usage of the employee self-service portal by HR teams goes far beyond regular document management and workflows. The payroll and HR online portal offers modules for management of the on- and offboarding process, time and attendance evidence, benefits administration, employees’ performance evaluation, administration of internal trainings, employees’ surveys and much more.

The payroll and HR online portal has an easy-to-use interface allowing both your employees and managers to navigate the system with ease. It is personalized and unique for each employee. Access to information is secured on a username-password basis, with individual rights to view data.

No boundaries encountered

The payroll and HR online portal is cloud based, so the users encounter no limitations in terms of accessibility. Vital tasks can be completed from any location or mobile device because both your employees and HR teams have 24/7 access to all information they need via an easy-to-use online interface.

Payroll agenda interfaces: Modules and functionalities

All data needed for salary calculations can be exchanged and approved using the payroll and HR online portal . All data are structured and organized based on type, year, month or any other requested criteria. The activity logs enable you to track all workflows and action concerning specific data and folders. Approval by the responsible manager is ensured via predefined workflows – deadlines are no longer missed thanks to the automatic email notification system that alerts about a pending required action.

Password protected pay slips are shared with employees via their individual accounts and stored in their personal archives. Employees are notified via email about their new pay slip saved on the portal. Any inquiries, including questions related to the actual pay slip can be submitted directly to a payroll accountant or the HR agenda administrator via an integrated ticketing system.

Main functionalities covered by the payroll portal interface:

  • Payroll data exchange
  • Pay slips distribution and archive
  • Payroll inquiry handling via online tickets
  • Payroll and HR reporting start page and full archive

Find out how a French luxury fashion house uses our online payroll and HR online portals for payroll data exchange, electronic payslip distribution, business trip management and attendance recording, while eliminating paper work.

HR administration interfaces: Modules and functionalities

Tasks connected with HR and personnel administration may become a resources draining exercise because most still require one-to-one communication and individual assistance. Moreover, ever-present bureaucratic and legislative compliance requirements still require lots of paperwork and sometimes even “running all over the office with printed Excel sheets.” All of this creates tremendous repetitive inefficiencies within your organization.

To deal with the complexity and specific internal requirements of the HR agenda, many companies are searching for flexible solutions compared to the traditional rigid, on premises HRM systems that were not designed to match exact needs. Moreover, the motivation for switching to cloud portals is also driven by employees’ increasing inclination, if not straightforward preference, to communicate and interact virtually, and manage tasks at their own pace over a user friendly, self-service interface.

Our portal offers unlimited possibilities for modules integration, covering the areas of:

HR and personal files maintenance

Swift and easy navigation begins at the customer-customized interface: easily gain access to the flexible folder structure with predefined roles and predesigned workflows. The upload and export of data is enabled in a number of various file formats and at unlimited size. Using the activity logs, the action history of documents and workflows is tracked easily. Deadlines, as well as completed and pending tasks are managed thanks to an integrated email notification system.

Even more complex HR processes and documents administration can be managed easily using an effective data exchange tool and self-service function for areas such as new employee onboardings, preparation of legal or other HR documents over the whole employment life cycle, or collecting documents for preparation of the annual tax clearance for employees.

Benefits management

The benefits management module is fully customizable to fit every client’s needs and internal processes regarding: benefit types, terms and conditions of their application, their availability for certain employees, quota tracking, plus more. With the preset structure you can immediately offer a range of so called “text” benefits to your colleagues, or create any specific benefits offering with tailored workflows. Your HR team will have access to up-to-date information and reports on all the available, requested and used benefits – all in one place.

Business travels and travel expenses

If you could choose to use the self-service function only for one task it would probably be the administration of business travels and travel expenses. Lots of employee time and energy could be saved when this specific agenda item is managed over one channel covering the end-to-end process: fully in compliance with legislative requirements and your internal rules.

With the portal an employee can request a business travel, receive approval and settle all travel expenses, including any advance payments received for accommodation booking – everything over an online and fully customized workflow. All important information is automatically collected via forms generated by the system, with no delays thanks to notifications swiftly landing in an employee’s mailbox. Moreover, all data needed for further processing by your accounting department can be easily exported from the portal in any required format or even transferred directly to the software via an interface.
