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Personal income tax consulting

Personal income tax consulting

We are ready to provide your HR and finance teams with all information required to take well-informed decisions related to individual taxation of employees and suggest solutions that guarantee your company’s full compliance with the applicable legislation requirements. Moreover, our payroll, tax and legal advisors will design the most effective tax and social security schemes for your local and foreign employees, mitigating any compliance and tax risks across all countries you operate in.

Learn more about our personal income tax consulting services

Our in-country teams of experienced tax experts are ready to provide the required consultancy support for your HR or finance team when dealing with more complex matters related to personal income tax, social security or cross-border employee mobility.

  • Individual planning, definition of suitable payroll and tax schemes for country residents and non-residents
  • Filing of personal income tax returns and compliance
  • Filing of other statutory reporting obligations for social security, health insurance and other
  • Representation in communication with the local tax offices, social security and health insurance companies, and other authorities

Our services related to employee cross-border mobility

Besides personal income tax consulting, our experienced team of tax advisors, payroll and labour-law consultants, backed up by a strong international network of experts, will guide you through the complexities of the cross-border mobility of employees and expatriate compliance. We have an in-depth knowledge of local legislations in the area of individual taxation, social security, payroll and labour law. We will review your organizations’ expatriate tax program to ensure it is fully compliant with statutory requirements on individual tax, social security and local payroll reporting in any country you operate in.

Tax overview for global mobility

Tax residency, personal income tax, social security and health insurance, penalties: check the conditions for cross-border employment in the EMEA region.
